Social science skill of questioning
Social science skill of questioning lesson plan in hindi (समाजिक अध्यन एवं सामाजिक विज्ञानं की पाठ योजना हिंदी में ) for B.ED, D.EL.ED, JBT, BTC,BSTC, NIOS, CBSC, NCERT, BIHAR BOARD . This is the microteaching lesson plan for social science in hindi on skill of questioning . In this lesson plan we discuss about skill of questioning in details. I hope you like this lesson plan . B.ED social science / social studies lesson plans in hindi General information: You may also like: You may also like: What is skill of questioning in B.ED: In this skill a teacher ask questions to students about that topic to check the previous knowledge of the students. The art of asking questions play a significant role in teaching learning process. Its success depends on the desired answer of the students. Students may respond to a question in different ways like no response; partially correct or incorrect response. If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below .I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel. You can also join our Telegram channel