English lesson plan class 6
English lesson plan class 6 is created for all the b.ed ,d.el.ed ,btc,itep students. If you are a student of B.ED or ITEP then you can use these lesson plans. If you want more lesson plans like this comment below. General Information about lesson plan To creat a lesson plan you have to write about general information which is compulsory for your all lesson plans. These informations are given below. PDF of english lesson plan class 6 Video of enlish lesson plan class 6 on my youtube channel List of other lesson plans : Follow us on other social media platforms : What is lesson plan : A lesson plan is a teachers daily guide for what students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will be measured. It is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. A lesson plan is a systematic and detailed discription developed by instructor. What is instructional objective : Instructional objectives are goal of our lesson plan. These are basis of assessment and provide feedback for maintaining objectives instituting reforms. These are unifying elements in teaching learning process. An instructuinal objective is the focus point of a lesson plan. Instructionl objectives are also called as behavioral or learning objectives.