B.ED Lesson Pan

Science lesson plan english

Science lesson plan english is for all B.ED, ITEP( 4 year integrated B.ED students). General Information: Instructional objetive: First we have to write instructional objective about our subject or topic. Previous knowledge test: Announcement of the topic: Students today we study about sound. Presentation science lesson plan english: Main point Pupil teacher activity Student activity Black board work Production of sound Students first of all we discuss about how sound produced.It is produced by vibrations of particals. Listen carefully Production of sound Vibration The simple harmonic motion of particle of a body called vibration. Listen carefully Vibration Propagation of sound When an object vibrates, it creates disturbances in surrounding medium propagating as machenical waves. ” Propagation of sound Medium of wave The medium of a wave is the matter that a wave travels through. The medium can be a solid, liquid, or gas. ” Medium of sound Air as medium Air as the most common medium through which sound travels. ” Air as medium Science lesson plan english Recaitulation: Home Work: What is sound? How it is produced? Other lesson plans:

B.ED science lesson plan in hindi

This lesson plan is for b.ed,btc,jbt,d.el.ed. aspirants. PDF for this lesson plan is given below. For more b.ed science lesson plan comment below. General information about lesson plan: PDF for b.ed science lesson plan: You can also join our Telegram channel You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

Life science lesson plan for b.ed in hindi

This is life science lesson plan for b.ed in hindi ,btc,jbt,d.el.ed. aspirants. PDF for this lesson plan is given below .If you want lesson plans on other subjects comment below. General information about lesson plan: Pdf life science lesson plan for b.ed in hindi : Watch video on youtube : You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

Science final lesson plan in hindi pdf

This lesson plan is for b.ed,btc,jbt,d.el.ed. aspirants. PDF for this lesson plan is given below.science lesson plans for b.ed . Science final lesson plan in hindi pdf . Brief introduction of this lesson plan: In this Science final lesson plan in hindi pdf lesson plan we discuss about how to make a lesson plan and all the components used in this lesson plan. First we have to write all the general information about our lesson plan after that we write our objectives ,then we start presentation of our lesson plan. General information about lesson plan: Pdf for this lesson plan: Images of this lesso plan is given below Watch video of this lesson plan on youtube: You may also like: You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

विज्ञान पाठ योजना B.ED

This विज्ञान पाठ योजना lesson plan is for b.ed,btc,jbt,d.el.ed. aspirants. PDF for this lesson plan is given below. General information about lesson plan: विज्ञान पाठ योजना B.ED PDF: Video of this lesson plan: Lesson Plan on other topics: You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

Science lesson plan for b.ed in hindi

This is a पुष्प एवम उसके भाग life science lesson plan for b.ed in hindi class 6th,7th,8th,9th students. Lesson plans on different topics are also available on this website .Link for these lesson plans is given below. General information about lesson plan: Pdf of this science lesson plan for b.ed in hindi: Watch video of this lesson plan: You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

Life science lesson plan in hindi pdf|जीवो की विविधता

This जीवो की विविधता life science lesson plan in hindi is for B.ED,D.EL.ED,BTC,JBT ARPIRANTS . Here we upload a lesson plan of science in hindi . Brief introduction of this lesson plan: In this lesson plan we discuss about how to make a lesson plan and all the components used in this lesson plan. First we have to write all the general information about our lesson plan after than we write out objectives ,then we start presentation of our lesson plan. General information about lesson plan: Sample pdf of life science lesson plan in hindi: Watch videos of lesson plans Lesson plans related to other topics in science: You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

Science lesson plans in hindi pdf

science lesson plans in hindi pdf

Hlo everyone all science lesson plans in hindi pdf is given below just click on the topic name for which you want to see lesson plan .All these lesson plans are for B.ED,D.EL.ED,BTC,JBT Aspirants.You want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below.I upload lesson plan pdf as soon as possible. Life science lesson plans in hindi pdf for B.ED Click on topic for pdf Sr No. TOPIC of lesson plan Lesson plan type 1 Skill of Introduction /प्रस्तावना कौशल Micro teaching skill 2 Skill of stimulus variation/उद्दीपन परिवर्तन कौशल Micro teaching skill 3 Skill of Example Micro teaching skill 4 पौधे Discussion 5 जंतु उत्तक Discussion 6 जीवो की विविधता Discussion 7 स्थलीय आवास Simulated 8 पुष्प एवम उसके भाग Simulated 9 वनोनमुलन Final 10 संसाधन व उसके प्रकार Final 11 कोशिका की संरचना Final Science lesson plans in hindi pdf For more lesson plan click on the link: You can also join our Telegram channel You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

Life science leson plan for b.ed in hindi pdf| जंतु उत्तक

Life science lesson plan for b.ed in hindi this lesson plan is for B.ED,D.EL.ED,BTC aspitants.Here images of this lesson plan is uploaded PDF for this lesson plan: YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below .I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson os also available on my youtube channel.Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.

Science skill of example lesson plan in hindi pdf

In this lesson plan उधारण कोशल we discuss how a teacher use examples to explain a topic to students .This lesson is for B.ED,D.EL.ED,BTC aspirants. Science skill of example lesson plan in hindi pdf Brief intoduction of lesson plan: PDF of this lesson plan You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below .I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson os also available on my youtube channel.Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel.