B.ED Lesson Pan


B.ED SOCIAL STUDIES/SOCIAL SCIENCE Lesson plan in hindi pdf for Geography , History , Polity , Economics | सामाजिक विज्ञान पाठ योजना| Social Science Lesson Plan For B.ED, M.ED D.EL.ED, JBT, BTC, BSTC, CBSC, NCERT, And For All Other Courses LIST OF ALL LESSON PLANS FOR SST. SERIOL No. TOPIC LESSON PLAN TYPE(In Hindi) 1 संसाधन  Skill of introduction 2 पर्यावरण Skill of Example 3  वर्षा Skill of Stimulus Vartiation 4 पर्यावरण Skill of Questioning 5  सौरमंडल  Skill of Reinforcement 6 ग्लोब (Globe) Simulated Teaching 7  मानचित्र Simulated Teaching 8 सामाजिक कुरीतियाँ Discussion Lesson 9 प्राकृतिक वनस्पति  Discussion Lesson 10 जनसंख्या वृद्धि Teaching practice 11 हमारा संविधान Teaching practice 12 वायुमंडल Teaching practice 13 सौरमंडल Teaching practice 14 भूकंप Teaching practice 15 धर्मनिरपेक्षता Teaching practice 16 पर्यावरण Final lesson plan 17 कृषि Final lesson plan 18 यातायात के साधन Final lesson plan Social science lesson plan in hindi for B.ED,D.EL.ED,BTC. What is a Lesson Plan ? A lesson plan is a teachers detailed description of the course of instruction . A lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the performance of the teacher, subject covered, and the needs of the students. You May Also Like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below . I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson plan is also available on my youtube channel. Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channel. Social science lesson plan in hindi pdf video: You can also join our Telegram channel


English lesson plans for B.ED free pdf is given below. English Lesson Plan For B.ED, M.ED D.EL.ED, JBT, BTC, BSTC, CBSC, NCERT, And For All Other Courses Click in the topic name for pdf. Sample PDF of each topic is provided. LIST OF ALL ENGLISH LESSON PLANS Seriol No. TOPIC LESSON PLAN TYPE 1 NOUN Skill of Example 2 Parts of Speech Skill of Introduction 3 Use Of Has and Have Skill of Questioning 4 CONJUCTION Skill of Stimulus Variation 5 Present Indefinite Tense Skill of Reinforcement 6 Verb Simulated/final lesson plan 7 Pronoun Simulated/final lesson plan 8 Adverb Final lesson plan 9 Article FINAL 10 Adjective FINAL 11 Tense FINAL 12 Preposition FINAL 13 Class 6th all lesson plans All lessons Plans 14 English lesson plan for b.ed Join our telegram channel You may also like: If you want lesson plan on other topic you can comment below .I try to provide lesson plan as soon as possible. Video of each lesson os also available on my youtube channel.Click on the youtube symbol given below for access to my youtube channels.